Program Penggalakan Sains dan Teknologi Sekolah Menengah peringkat Kebangsaan 2009

At last, the most challenging task given to me has completed. First to make this video presentation in a tiny-miny time. About some hours, editing and rendering to to the perfectness. Even when the other presenter, presenting their performance; me, still looking at the time as the video are still in rendering mode. Why??? Coz i'm rendering it in HD quality.

Secondly, the burning sensation. As the participant enjoying the show, their entuaism are building high to take one copy each. So the second challenging task for us is to burn for about almost a hundreds copy DVD for the participant. The best part is no DVD tower, just 3 laptop with burner. Waaa... we dont sleep lo in the last day.

And lastly, the most irritating experience with Streamyx, as it was in a very bad condition in past two days. I almost uploading this video for almost 20 times. And at last I convert it into almost every types of video, and the last was a successfull with the sizes only at 97mb. So small aa.. at least we all can see it now on the web.
Compared the latest with the one I've made before that sizes up to 1.4Gb



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