Now, I'm a Photobucket Pro user

Day by day, I'm feel quite worried with my Photobucket account as it was my only photo sharing hosting that I used since I'm not using Fotopages anymore. The thing is, I used my account storage for 89% for now and its really worried me.

As I browse on how to max out my storage, it came with this promotion. Just bought something from 4 option made by Trialpay and I'll get my Photobucket upgraded to pro. So, I just browse through each option and came with this Stopzilla Antispyware. With just US9.99 I'll get it and my account will be at Pro.

So, after cashing out US50 from my fotolia account, I immedietly sign up for Stopzilla and whoopppieee!! my account just go to Pro and my storage just at 0% with 176Mb of storage. I was really eager to use the Stopzilla software, and to my surprise it got 56 threats from my pc with 1 virus. Cool.

But the not so cool thing is, when I opened my email; I got 1 receipt from paypal and on it, stated that I just pay US39.99 for Stopzilla.

***** *** ***** *** *** ************. (Sensored due to maintaining the U rating for my blog. Hehehehe)

So, the morale of the story is, PLEASE READ CAREFULLY before you completed some internet transaction. And for me... Arrrrgggghhh... @#%$!!! Dont worry. I'm just blaming myself coz not really carefully read the contract.


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