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New Living Room updated 4 Ogos

on going process Sesambil rumah ni tengah naik, sesambil tangan menggatal snap snap picas. Terbaeekkk!!!! Via Blogger PC Edisen Enjoice...Sharing is power!!! tengah siapkan atap kayu untuk atap pemantau bebas atap lama kena bukak timbang air operasi tebuk lubang ni apakeheiinyer nih tebuk lubang dulu Pasang skru

Mknace's new header...coming soon

Yang semasa ni dah sampai ke penghujung perkhidmatannya.. Header blog ni akan dibuat baru. Of course yang ada gambo kami berlima macam yang dedulu tu.. yang kat fotopages tu.. Sementara waktu.. header blog ni akan memaparkan semua header-header blog yang pernah aku pakai sejak berkecimpung di dunia maya ini... Enjoice...Sharing is power!!!

Iqa's new present

  Iqa really want a scooter for her result. But all the scooter she want had sold out. So how, I asked Iqa. OK.. buy me another thing instead of this scooter. So, from ailse to ailse we browse, test and play every little single item displayed there. Iqa was eagerly testing everything. And I, eagerly saying just a little bit please, don't go to hard on the thing. At last we arrived at the vtech counter. Waaa... Iqa want this.. As she look on the Vtech Smiley. But, I said, that one for 4 to 8.. you're almost 7 now.. buy the thing for the upcoming year.. Don't play the toy made for your sister.. OK.. And so this Nitro vision came to the the mind of each of us.. Waaa... And it really cooll... Now Iqa are playing soduku with it.. uploaded via picassa