Finally my Canon PIXMA MP145 come with CISS system


Dah lama sebenornya nak pasang CISS system ni
Tapi kat Johor ni kat mana aku nak buat
Jaman dok loyat toksah citer ler
Habis satu sekolah aku CISSkan

Sampai ke opis sampailer ke cecikgu
sapa nak wat aku anto jer ke loyat sana nun
Sebelum tu
apekebende CISS tu
CISS stand for Continuous Ink Supply System
Ink tak abis-abis ler tu
Mana tak abis
kerin sikit tuang jer ink lam tank tu
memang la tak abis-abis

So bila Cytech pun dah wat CISS ni
Aku pun anto jer ler aku nyer Canon ni
Hasil leh tahan la
Cuma hasil printing dia biasa la aku ni memang susah nak puas hati
Dah dekat 10 kepin gambo dah aku print
Aku beger dia nyer setting


pastu aku print pakai window nyer print
sampai ker canon print
susah tul aku nak puas hati ngan warna ni
cerewet kan main
anak sapa la ni kan
last last aku rasa aku puas hati ngan canon nyer software dulu
nanti aku nak sambung pakai software lain lak
sampai bini aku pun dah sound
haa.. print jer lagi sampai kering tank tu
Eleh baru baper sen beli ink baru kan..


Tak pueh hati lagi ni
Ni hasil pakai window nyer print ngan setting vivid
Gila merah


aris-m berkata…
aku pakai printer brother dcp -145c...baru je beli pun...masa pc fair ari tu. Dia ada gak ciss tu tapi nye lain sikit. Nak rekomen printer ni aku tak pasti sangat, tapi hasil gambar yang aku print boleh tahan. tak dak la terlebih merah ka, hijau ka dan sewaktu dgn nya...heh heh!
ReActivate berkata…
::: askm bro.. saya penah nampak
::: ink kat luar printer mcm pix
::: di atas nih.. [hehe] kawan2 di
::: opis pon pakai tapi di printer
::: pixma iP1880 ajer.. nak try
::: gak tapi saya nih jenis kurang
::: guna printer berwarna.. hanya
::: selalu utk print tulisan ajer..
::: very good info bro :) 1st time
::: dengar word CISS nih [hehehe]..
bernard berkata…
hi bro, can u help?i recently bought a canon MP145 with Continuous Ink Supply System (CISS).The problem is when i print a graphic picture on a plain/photo paper,the quality sucks,color not contrast even i set print quality high but when i try to print from my friend's printer which have the same model except without the CISS ink system the print out quality is much more better...
bernard berkata…
hi bro, can u help?i recently bought a canon MP145 with Continuous Ink Supply System (CISS).The problem is when i print a graphic picture on a plain/photo paper,the quality sucks,color not contrast even i set print quality high but when i try to print from my friend's printer which have the same model except without the CISS ink system the print out quality is much more better...
mknace unlimited berkata…
of course the thing with the original one come with higher quality.
What you can do is to change the ink into the more reliable ink such as esyink

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